Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program
The Fraud Examination Graduate Certificate Program provides students the opportunity to explore the areas of fraud detection, analysis and prevention. This certificate program is perfect for working professionals, such as law enforcement officers, lawyers and accounting professionals who are interested in developing an expertise in fraud examination.
Case Study NEC employees behind $18M fraud scheme By Colleen Taylor, Contributing Editor Japan-based electronics giant NEC Corp. is reeling today after a regulatory tax assessment uncovered $18.12 million (2.2 billion yen) in fraudulent transactions committed by NEC employees. In a filing made with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), NEC said that it received an adjustment notice from the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau in respect to a tax assessment it had been subject to for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2006. During the process of the tax assessment, it was discovered that five fraudulent transactions had been carried out by NEC employees in the period between fiscal 1999 and fiscal 2005. According to the adjustment notice, 10 NEC employees instructed contractors to pad or create fictitious orders to their subcontractors, such as orders for software, maintenance and installation. This resulted in the fraudulent outflow of NECs money through these contractors, NEC said in the filing. The sum of the fraudulent transaction is approximately $18.12 million. The 10 employees received approximately $4.1 million (500 million yen) in kickbacks from the subcontractors, and used it for their own personal purposes, such as on entertainment expenses. NEC is set to pay in a very real way for the misconduct of its employees. The amount of income adjusted as a result of the bureaus notification, added to other items indicated in the notice, is approximately $35.54 million ( 3.96 billion yen). NEC said it is not required to pay any additional corporate tax as a result of this issue, as there will be a reduction in the amount of loss carried forward from the previous year. Not surprisingly, NEC said it has been carrying out internal inquiries with the assistance of external lawyers since it was informed of the issue. The company said it has been taking strict disciplinary actions in accordance with its internal rules and regulations against the employees who were found to be involved in the fraudulent transactions. Further internal inquiries will be carried out by NEC, and the company said it will simultaneously investigate the possibility of seeking compensatory damages or filing a criminal complaint. NEC deeply regrets the occurrence of these fraudulent transactions at a time when strengthening of corporate compliance and the improvement of internal controls is being strongly sought after, and sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience caused, the company said in the filing. Todays announcement is just the latest in headaches for the scandal-ridden Japanese electronics giant. In a filing made last week, NEC disclosed that it may well lose its listing on the Nasdaq stock market because of long overdue SEC filings. NECs filings have been held up by an internal investigation of its historical stock options granting practices spurred by the recent industry-wide crack down on illegal stock options backdating. The company is also the subject of an ongoing informal probe by the SEC based on its options granting practices. The filing made last week also revealed that since October 2006, the NEC Group has been among the parties subject to investigations by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and the European Commission regarding potential violations of antimonopoly laws in the SRAM industry; investigations by the Korea Fair Trade Commission regarding potential violations of Korean competition laws in the semiconductor industry; and investigations by the Japan Fair Trade Commission, the DOJ, the European Commission, the Korea Fair Trade Commission, and the Competition Bureau Canada regarding potential violations of antimonopoly laws in the TFT liquid NEC Workers Faked Orders, Took Kickbacks -By Ben Ames A group of 10 employees at NEC Corp. ran up US$18 million in fraudulent costs over seven years, the company announced Tuesday, about a year after reporting a similar incident in 2006. Stopping the scam allows NEC to reduce payments to contractors and boost income. However, the Japanese company does not plan to issue new profit statements because there was no change in revenue, said NEC spokesman Kosuke Yamauchi. Likewise, instead of paying extra taxes, the company will reduce the amount of loss listed on its asset sheets by a total of $32 million, under its agreement with the Tokyo Regional Taxation Bureau. The news is another blow against the company as it struggles to meet accounting standards set by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and to ward off a threat by regulators to remove its stock from the Nasdaq exchange. NEC recently announced it would begin to calculate its earnings with Japanese generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), since the company was not able to file its fiscal 2005 annual report to the SEC under U.S. GAAP guidelines. NEC also had to make accounting changes in 2006 after workers created fake transactions at its NEC Engineering Ltd. division last year. The latest scam was discovered when tax investigators looked at the companys books between fiscal year 1999 and fiscal year 2005, ending in March 2006. They found that the accused employees had convinced 17 contractors to pad their orders or create entirely fictitious orders for the software, maintenance and installation purchased by NEC, the company said in a statement. In return, the workers collected $4.1 million in kickbacks. NEC has taken strict disciplinary actions against the employees through an internal inquiry that could eventually lead the company to file criminal complaints or seek compensatory damages from the workers. However, Kosuke said he did not know whether the workers had been fired. He also declined to name the contractors, or to say whether NEC planned to continue doing business with them. The company also launched a plan to prevent future fraud with stricter oversight. The workers in this scam avoided detection for seven years because they were able to confirm the validity of their own fraudulent orders. NEC will now require a third-party department to confirm all orders, as part of a reformation of business practices in its order and sales recording and materials procurement departments. NEC deeply regrets the occurrence of these fraudulent transactions at a time when strengthening of corporate compliance and the improvement of internal controls is being strongly sought after, the company said in a statement. NEC will continue to take every action possible to further strengthen countermeasures ... in order to prevent a recurrence of these types of fraudulent transactions.
Lionel Messi innocent of tax fraud, says Barcelona president
Barcelona president Sandro Rosell says Lionel Messi is not guilty of avoiding paying income tax on money generated from the sale of image rights between 2006 and 2009. Spanish tax authorities have accused Messi and his father, Jorge, of a fraud totalling more than £3.4m. If the case is taken on by the Spanish court and Messi is found guilty he could face up to six years in jail and a fine totalling six times the amount allegedly defrauded.
As many fresh graduates are awaiting for jobs, some frauds are taking this as an advantage and making money out of it. So, please be careful.
Fake Companies List
1Mansoft Microsystems
4Accentric Global
5Adroit Solutions
6Afxisi Technology Services P Ltd., formerly (Diginet Technologies)
8Algorithm Computers
10Altra Systems
11Amked Technologies
12Ample Technologies
13Anchor IT Solutions
14Aniga Technologies
15Answer Think Solutions
16Answerland IT Univ
17Aspentech Global Solutions
18Atlantics Solutions Private Limited
19AV Systems
20Axial Software Solutions
21Axiom Tech Solutions
22Axis Systems Pvt. Ltd
23B2 Software
24Basil Solutions
25Bein Soft Technologies Pvt Ltd
26Binary Infotech Pvt. Ltd
27Bridge consulting firm
28Business 1 Consulting
29Buttress Technologies Private Limited
30C - Wave Technologies
31Candor Technologies
32Cavinsys Technologies Pvt Ltd
33Centen Information Systems
34Centric Software Technology
35Charli Solutions (P) Limited
36Cherubs Software Solutions
37CK Technologies
38Clara Technologies
39Complete Object Solutions
40Convex Technologies
41Copious IT Services
42Coreshell Technologies
43CRC Sofware Solutions
45Croma Soft
46Cross Road Logistics Pvt Ltd
47CS Informatics
48cubic system
49Cygate Software and Consulting
50Cynex Global
52D2VInfo Soft Private Limited
53Dallinsoft India Pvt Ltd
54Data comp services Alchemy solutions
55Data Core Systems
56Davin Technologies Private Limited
57Delight Information Technologies
58Denis Soft Technologies
59Dexter Matrix
60DG Microsys Consultancy Services
61Diac Spaa Technologies
62Digitech Solution Limited
63Dream Soft Solutation
64Dreamware Infotech
65Dyamica India Private Limited
66E2E Infoware
67Edge IT Services Pvt Ltd
68Eicon Technologies
69Eigen Values Technologies (P)Ltd
70Eiko Infotech Private Limited
71Elbrus Global
72Embedded Galaxy
73Emporis Technologies
74E-Net Systems India P.Ltd
75Enopia Solutions
76eQwest Software Solutions
77ERP Business Solutions
78ERP Solutions Asia
79Esec Technology Solutions
80Esoft Factory
81ESoftex Solutions
82E-Velociti Software Solutions
83Exert Infotech
84Express Estates Advertising
85Eyeris IT Software Solutions
86First Media India Pvt Ltd
87Flash Infotech Pvt Ltd
88Flash Infotech Pvt Ltd
89Flexicon Technologies
90Four Way Commitment Services
91Frolics information Technologies Beacon Software Technologies
92Future Focus Technologies
93Future Infotech
94Future point technologies
95Global Care Solutions
96Global tech solutions
97Globus system
98Grab Technologies
99GSN Technologies
101Helix Technologies
102High Tech Lead
103Hindustan Software Pvt Ltd
104I - Litera Technologies
105I Global Infotech
106i Tech manage Pvt. Ltd.
107IES Consulting
108Incore Technology Pvt Ltd
109Influx Soft Solutions
110Info Labs
111Infonite Software Solutions
112Infoserv india
113Innovative Search Consultancy Services
114Innovators India Digital Tech (P) Ltd
115Instance Software Solutions
117Inventive Consultancy Service
118IPromax Technoologies
119I-Square Innovations
120IT Esteem Solutions
121IT Thoughts Consulting Pvt Ltd
122iTest Soft.
123ITRT Solutions Private Limited
124Jplan Infotech Pvt. Ltd
125JVS Infotech Pvt Ltd
126K2 Software Technologies Limited(Currently Known as TouchPoint)
127K2 Systems Limited
128Kadari Technologies
129Krestsoft Technologies
130Kreya Infosys
131KS Software Technology
132Kumars Infotech
133K-Van Solutions Pvt Ltd
134Leo Info Tech Pvt.Ltd
135Logind Technologie
136Lotus-Pink Capital Services Pvt Ltd
137M/S Axil Informatics Pvt Ltd
138M/s Ceacon Informatics
139M/s Core Labs Bangalore
140M/S Cusat Systems
141M/s Global I Max Technologies / M/s Flash Info Tech Pvt Ltd / Mindsoft India Pvt Ltd. / gMindsoft India Pvt Ltd
142M/s Sinertel Solutions / M/s Ram Soft Solutions / M/s Saptree Technology Consultancy
143M/S Software Technology Solutions
144M/s Yare Technologies pvt Ltd.
145M/s. Avestaa Solutions Pvt. Ltd
146M/s. Cinova Software Solutions
147M/s. Deltacore Infotech
148M/s. Diginet Software Consultancy Services / M/s. Diginet Software Communications Ltd
149M/s. Jasper IT Solutions / Omega Software Solutions / Ms. / Zeno Tech
150M/s. McAdish Technologies
151M/s. Skube Software Solutions
152Maa - Yoke Technologies
153Macrocon Technologies
154Magazine Networks India Pvt Ltd
155Mansoft Microsystem
156MAO Technologies Pvt Ltd.
157Marselviz Technologies
158Mass Information Technology
159Master Mind InfoTech
160Maythas Software solutions
161Megara IT Solutions
162Meotex Solutions
163Merak Global Solutions
164Merit Computers
166Microbase Technologies
167Microcon International Pvt Ltd
168Milieu Solutions
169Minmax Infosystems Pvt. Ltd
170MK Multivision
171Mosiac Technologies.
173Naat Technologies/Naat Consulting Pvt Ltd
174Nector Source
175Needs(FSO Airtel) Shop
177Netsoft Microsoft
178Nipsys Private Limited
179Noble Soft Solutions Private Limited
180Nutech Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
181Nutech Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
182NXXIT Technologies
183Nyku Systems
184Octrant Technologies
185Ocxium Technologies (IVector Technologies)
186Opengates Bpo Services Pvt (Leadon - System HR Pvt Ltd)
187Opensols Infottech Pvt Ltd
188Orange Technologies
189Ozone Technologies
190Perchsoft Technologies
191Petranics solutions Pvt Ltd
193Poineer IT
194Power Alpha Consulting / AB Solutions
196PrimeNet Technologies
197Professional Softech
198Prosix Softron Pvt. Ltd
199Protonix Solutions
200Proxis Business Solution / Neotecra India Pvt Ltd
201Q - Sol Technologies
202Qualiband Technologies
203Quesoft Solutions
204R M Infotech Pvt. Ltd
205R.K. Computers
206Ramstun Technologies
207Raython Technologies Private Limit
208Real soft technologies
209Recon Software Solutions
210Rehoboth S/W Technology
211Reox Soft
212Reox Soft Pvt Ltd
213Rex Sui Servcies Private Limited
214Ridge Info Solutions
215Saguna Soft Technologies Private Limited
216Salegen Outsourcing Services
217Sansen Technologies Inc
218Scalar Info / Scalar Info Solutions
219Seer Global Techno Solutions
220Seismic Technologies
221Semantic Solutions (India) Pvt Ltd.
222Servcustomer Technologies
223Shams Software Solutions
224Sheeba Computers
225Shrine Solutions India Pvt Ltd
226Shriya Solutions Pvt Ltd
227Shrushti Infoserve Engineering Pvt Ltd
229Simple Solution
230Sinergee Software Service
231Skoruz Technologies Pvt.Ltd
232Soft Art Consulting
233Soft Link Solutions
234Softeam Solutions
235Softech Global Solution
236Softech Global Solutions
237Softpro Software Professionals Private Ltd
238Sonus Software Solutions
239Spatial Technology Services
240Sprint Technologies
241Standard Life Sciences
242Stream Systems
243Sumo Soft Private Limited
244Sunshine Technology
245Swiistech Solutions
246Swisstech Solutions
247Symphany Services
248Synecta Technologies
249Syntyce Solutions
250Sysame Solutions Private Limited.
252Systel Infos
254Sysworks Infotech - Covenant IT Solutions
255Tangent Infotech Pvt Ltd
256Tangent IT Solutions
257Tangent Soft / Vidatha Infotech
258Target Customer Care
259Tech Biz Soft Pvt Ltd
260Tech Pro Infotech
261Tech Rayan
262Tech Recipe
263Tech Trends
264Tech Wave Info Solutions
265Techno Spine Solutions
266Teckno Net Solutions
267Tengent Soft
268Textron IT Services
269Transcend Technology Orbit
270Trikia Pharma
271Tritech Solutions Pvt Ltd
273Tryocen / Tryocen Software Pvt Ltd
274Unit Force technologies
275Unit India Systems
276UWIN Global Services
277V B Design Automation Software Private Ltd
278V5 Solutions
279Vallika Technologies
280VC eCall Solutions
281Vebtel Infoway
282Vee Serve Smart Service
284Vertual Technologies
285Vgnana Technologies
286Vidatha Info Tech
287View Software Technologies
288Vintage solutions
289vision Solutions
290Voxel Technologies
291Voyager3i Solutions Pvt Ltd
292Vyom Technosoft Pvt Ltd
293Walence Consulting
294Welsch Infosystems Private Limited
295Whitespace Technologies
296Willdel Infomatics
297Wisdom technologies
298Xis Technology Pvt Ltd
299Xorient Technologies Pvt Ltd
300Yokework Technologies/I Vector/Ocxium Technologies/Slash infotech Networkz Infotech
301Zenxa Technologies
302Zersa Technologies
303Zoetic Software Inc
This is List of fake companies which was identified in SATYAM and Infy.....and most of companies So be aware of this companies....All the specified companies r conformed fake
here is the list :
Outset Technologies
109, G.P complex, Sri Nagar Colony, Hyderabad-500073
Tel: 040 55467551/2
iCamberwell Solutions & Services
Plot No. 29, 4th floor, Zeenath Residency,
Srinagar Colony,Hyderabad- 73
Tel: 040 23730901
Fax: 23730904
Power Views Technologies
Plot no. 8-3-22/C/36, Anithavilla, Madhura nagar, Hyd- 38
Tel: 040 66136555/7555
Fax: 040 23745277
Sorix Solutions
#509, Annapurna Block, Aditya enclave, Ameerpet,Hyd- 38
Tel: 040 55363775, 55259956, 55844509
-: Sorix Solutions :-
Cogent software technologies
#302, venkatadri complex,
vivekananda nagar, kukatpally,Hyderabad,
Tel:5215646 / 65215647
Sermon Technologies
A-48,Indian Airlines Colony,Lane 03, Street No. 3,
Begumpet, Hyderabad - 500069
Royal Vision Solutions
# Flat No.306, Firdous Kaveri Court,
Above Canara Bank,Mettu Gudda, Secunderabad-25
Softel Integerated
Plot No. 5, Software Units Layout,
Madhapur, Hyderabad-81
Inspirion Consulting
#240, Chinna Thokatta, New Bownepally,
Secunderabad-11 or #988,
Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad-500073
Ition Solutions
#6-3-107/108, Raj Bhavan Road,Somajiguda, Hyderabad
Sai Medha Computers
Opp.Chandana Brothers Lane,Ameerpet,Hyderabad,A.P.- 500073
Virinchi Technologies
Plot No.10,SRK Colony,West Marredpally,Secunderabad-500026,A.P.
iNest Solutions
8-3-318/11/17, Mega city,J.P. Nagar, Hyderabad-500073/
5th Floor, Chalapathi Complex, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad-500073
Suffix Solutions
Flat No. 206, Lotus Apartments, Whitefield,
Near KVBR Botanical park, Kondapur, Hyderabad
Acute Hi Technologies/ Acute Technologies
Flat No 201, Before end of police station,
Thirumala Apartments, Thirumalagiri, Hyderabad, AP-500008
Keyoon Solutions
6-3-841/K,1st Flr,Opp Padma Plaza,Nr RBI Quarters,Market Street, Ameerpet,Hyd-16
M/s. Info Links Technologies Ltd
403, Manjeera Square Matro Complex, Ameerpat Hyderabad
Suite # 610, Adithya Trade Centre Ameerpet, Hyderabad 500038
Blacklisted companies
List of Blacklisted companies... be careful with them... please see the second company in the list!!
Please go through the full Post and Dont get into such a situation. Here is a list of fraud companies which lure people in India to USA.Please tell this on to all your friends and make them awar of it.
List of Companies you need to be careful.
1. Mastech Sys
2. Syntel
3. Computer People Inc.
4. Capricon
5. American MegaTrend Inc.
6. CBS
7. Intelligroup ( Edison - New Jersey)
8. Cybertech (Chicago - Ilinnois)
9. Systech (Gelndale - Calif.)
10. IntecNew Jersey. Now it is named as Compuflex.
11. Indotronixs or Indotronics?
12. Capricorn Systems Inc , Atlanta13. BCC computers Ltd in Madras ***(Dangerously
14. Fro ntier Systems ***(Highly Black Listed)
15. C G VAK(Coimbatore)
16. Kumaran Software, Anna Nagar, Madras ******(Highly and Dangerously
17. BCS Project Consultants; Bangalore (These people call themselves BCS Computer Consultancies and Services. Highly blacklisted.)These people lay false claims of having done projects for Defence organisations.
18. Pragathi Computers; Bangalore. (HighlyBlacklisted)Infact a Belgium based organization is planning to take legal action on this organisation for claiming to do work for NATO.
Hi frnds this list of companies is under investigation so offers to stop it also.....
Integer Software
Realsoft Technologies
Softedge Technologies
Unique Consultancy Services
Now u can c the address of this companies:
outset Technologies No. 90,3rd cross,2nd Main,Ganga Nagar,Bangalore -560032
Access Software Solutions Pvt Ltd Chennai
Adira Technologies Bangalore
Adroit Claretdene Infotech Bangalore
Allsoft Corporation Limited, Hyderabad Hyderabad
Anthesis Technologies Pvt Ltd Bangalore
Aptra Infotech
No.20,9th Main,3rd block,Jayanagar,Bangalore - 560011
Aventies IT Solutions
No: 980, EWS, 2nd Stage,Yelahanka, Bangalore - 560064
Beacon Software Solutions Hindipracharsabha Road, T Nagar, Chennai
Bizicon Infotech
Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
Bonafied Digital Services
Brainware Technologies
#92, NAT Street, Basavanagudi, Bangalore, Karnataka,India, Pin-560004 (Ph-26616867)
C Wave Technologies
#1A,Shanthi Nilaya, Behind Huda Maitrivanam, Gayatri Nagar, Hyderabad-16
CBK Infotech
4/3, Sree Complex, MSRCE Road Opp. NIAS, Mathikere, Bangalore
Plot No. 928, Defence Colony, Sainikpuri, Secunderabad - 94
Cegon Info Solutions
Cogent Technologies
Plot No. 151-155,302, Venkatadri Complex, Vivekananda Nagar, Kukatpally, Hyderabad - 500072
Cusat Systems, Bangalore Bangalore
# 261, 10 th Cross ,1st " N" Block , Rajajinagar,Bangalore – 560010
Innovators Bangalore
Dice Technologies Hyderabad
Digital Orb Technologies
Digital Orb Technologies Bangalore
e Matrix Enterprise Solutions
Manadi Towers,Above ING Vysya Bank, 20/233,9th Main Road,3rd Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore- 560011
e Matrix Software Solutions
261,10th Cross,1st 'N" Block,Rajajinagar,Bangalore-560010
Earthware Technologies No. 17, MTK Buildings, Outer Ring Road,Marthahalli, Bangalore
elbrus Global
#853, 2nd Floor, 4th Cross,10th Main, Indiranagar 2nd Stage, Bangalore
elixire software solutions 2nd Cross, Mahadeva Pura, Bangalore, Karnataka,India,
EmpowerMinds Hyderabad
Flash Infotech
# 216, 2nd Floor, B Wing, Mittal Tower, M.G.Road, Bangalore-01and #25/1, HMT Main Road, Mathikere,Bangalore- 560054
Futuretech Consultancy
AG - 4, Metropalm Groove, Somajiguda,Hyderabad - 5000082
Globals Infotech Bangalore
Plot No. 29, 4th Floor, Zeenath residency, Sri Nagar Colony, Hyderabad - 500073
Impact Technologies
Plot No.17. Navarajasthan Co-OP Hsg. Soc., Flat No.9 Nishigandha Apts, Senapati Bapat Rd., Pune
Infinity solutions
Integer Software
197/A,2nd Floor,Chhabria Chambers,Double Road,, Indira Nagar,, Bangalore
Iris Consulting
itech Software
347/10A, 19th cross, 7th main,BTM 2nd phase, Bangalore
Juniper Solutions 254, 1st cross, 2nd block 3rd phase , banashankari , Bangalore, Karnataka,India, Pin-560085 (Ph-26676071
JVS Consultants/JVS Info Systems 501,5th Floor, Dwarakapuri Colony , Punjagutta, Hyderabad
Keyoon Solutions Hyderabad
Lara Technologies #5,2nd floor,80 ft road,5th block,koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka,India, Pin-560095 (Ph-080-41310124)
Lavanya Technologies #186/25 ,10th 'B' Main Road, 1st Block, Jayanagar, Banagalore, Karnataka, India, Pin-560011 (Ph-080-26565729)
Leciel Technologies Hyderabad
Lecil Flat No. 202, Vijetha Garden Empire, Moosarambaug,Dilkhush Nagar, Hyderabad - 36
Lemuria Technologies No.97, Harrington Road, Shenoy Nagar, Chennai-30
M/s Ehastha Global Services Chennai
M/s. Bharathi Business Solutions Chennai
M/s. Info Links Technologies Ltd Hyderabad
M/s. Magnus Infotech Chennai
Marc4 Technologies #312,4th"A" Main Road,3rd Stage, 3rd Block, Basaveshwar Nagar, Bangalore - 79
Marques Consulting #36, 8th main,chowdeswari layout,maratha halli,bangalore-37
Mindrome Technologies Private Limited Mumbai
Miracle Software Systems MIG-49, Lawsons Bay Colony,, Vishakapatnam, Andrapradesh,India, Pin-530017 (Ph-0891 2531569)
MSD Technologies Hyderbad
MYM Technologies Limited Hyderabad
NAAT consulting Hyderabad
Outset Technologies Hyderabad
Power Views Technologies Hyderabad
Propus Infotech/Propus Software Solutions Chennai Chennai
Proximo Consultancy, Bangalore Bangalore
Realsoft Technologies 1-1-591, Gandhinagar,Hyderabad - 500020, AP
Sanders Tech
Seninsis tech
Sigma Soft #1, 2nd Floor, Canarabank Building, Airport Road, Bangalore, Karnataka,India, Pin-560037 (Ph-08055377407)
Silpa Informatics Hyderabad
Smirk Technologies Hyderabad
Softage technologies 25, 6th Cross, Rajiv Gandhi Road, Kanakpura Main R, Bangalore
Softedge Technologies # 928,28th Main, 2nd Floor,East End , Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560041
Softlink Solutions #465,mottapanapalaya,6th main,indira nagar, bangalore
Softpro MIG 15, 1st Main, 1st Stage, KHB Colony, Basaveshwar Nagar, Bangalore - 560079
Sorix Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Hyderbad
Source Horizon, Jaipur Jaipur
Sphinx Networks 12-5-149/19/2,2nd floor, Opp.NIN Tarnaka, SECUNDERABAD
SR Soft Sol 501,Nilgiri Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyderabad
Starex #8, Liberty Plaza, Himayat Nagar, Hyderabad - 500029
Step Online Pvt Ltd. No.299,1st Floor,B.T.S. 1st Main Road, Chinnayanpalya,Wilson Garden,Bangalore-30
STG #32&32/1,Khaleel Plaza,(Opp Vijaya Main College),RV Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore
Surya Software Solutions Hyderabad
Suyoga Technologies #12, Dharsons Building, Bowring Hospital Road, Shivajinagar, Bangalore -01
System Domain 3rd Block, Opp. ICICI Bank, Jayanagar, Bangalore .
Team infosol # 5, Cornwell Road, Langford Gardens, Bangalore – 560 025
Time Technologies.Net Pvt Ltd. Kodiyattu Chambers,Rajaji Road, Cochin - 35
Triton IT services Rajaram Colony, Kodambakkam, Chennai.
Unique Consultancy Services #1638,80ft road,BSK 1st Stage, Bank colony,Bangalore - 560050
Unit Force Technologies # 3/23, KHB Colony, 80 ft. Road, Basaveshwarnagar, Bangalore - 560079
UTL #19/6,Ashokpuram school road, Industrial Suburb,Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore -560022
Version Technologies Pune
Vidhata Infotech 347/10A, 19th cross, 7th main,BTM 2nd phase, Bangalore
Zombie Software Solutions # 2455,2nd Floor,17th E Cross,9th Main, Banashankari 2nd stage,Bangalore - 560070
1. Vedic Info Tech
2. Raython Technologies
3. Aquity Design
4. Ablaze Info Tech
5. eSmart Web Solutions
6. ICS Solution Info Tech
7. Millennium Software Solution
8. Prophecy Tech India
9. Broin Tech IT
10. Enigma Software Solution
11. Business Info System
12. Famous Personality
13. Soft Cell System
14. VRI Solution
15. R.M. Infotech
16. Hash Infosys
17. Gnix Info
18. Jiyoun Systems
19. Sanmati Solution
20. E-ware Technology
21. IT Brain Shapers
22. The Metricsoft
23. ERP Solutions Asia
24. Mosaic Technology
25. Valid Page
26. Hope for All info
27. Soft Tech World
28. Radix Info Solution
28. TT Tech
29. Alien SoftNet
30. Meera / SR Infotech
31. ATS Infotech
THe given below companies provide
fake certificates for professionals.
Don\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t attend interview at this given below companies...
outset Technologies
Access Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
Adira Technologies
Adroit Claretdene Infotech
Allsoft Corporation Limited, Hyderabad
Anthesis Technologies Pvt Ltd
Aptra Infotech
Aventies IT Solutions
Beacon Software Solutions
Bizicon Infotech Pvt Ltd,
Bonafied Digital Services
Brainware Technologies
* Broadline Computer Systems,chennai
C Wave Technologies
CBK Infotech
Cogent Technologies
Cusat Systems, Bangalore
Dextrous Innovators
Dice Technologies
Digital Orb Technologies
Digital Orb Technologies
e Matrix Enterprise Solutions
e Matrix Software Solutions
Earthware Technologies
elbrus Global
elixire software solutions
Flash Infotech
Focus Associates
Futuretech Consultancy Services
Globals Infotech
IMAX Technologies
Impact Technologies
Infinity solutions
Iris Consulting
itech Software solutions
Juniper Solutions
JVS Consultants/JVS Info Systems
Keyoon Solutions
* KALS Information Systems Ltd,bangalore
Lavanya Technologies
Leciel Technologies
Lemuria Technologies
M/s Ehastha Global Services
M/s. Bharathi Business Solutions
M/s. Info Links Technologies Ltd
M/s. Magnus Infotech
Marc4 Technologies
Marques Consulting
Mindrome Technologies Private Limited
Miracle Software Systems
MSD Technologies
MYM Technologies Limited
NAAT consulting
Outset Technologies
Power Views Technologies
Proximo Consultancy, Bangalore
Sanders Tech
Seninsis tech
Sigma Soft
Silpa Informatics
Smirk Technologies
Softage technologies
Softlink Solutions
Sorix Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
Source Horizon, Jaipur
Sphinx Networks
SR Soft Sol
Step Online Pvt Ltd.
Surya Software Solutions
Suyoga Technologies
System Domain
Team infosol
Time Technologies.Net Pvt Ltd.
Triton IT services
Unit Force Technologies
Version Technologies
Vidhata Infotech
* VIRTUSA,chennai
Vimukti Tech(under verification)
Zombie Software Solutions
ZOHO India pvt ltd
This * indicates most fake companies cheated many professionals.
the professional had to pay 1lakh rupees.
Some other companies
Customer Is King-chennai
HIMARK -chennai/bangaluru/Delhi
SSI ENGG -che/blr/hyd
Kaashyap Technologies Ltd (chennai/hyderabad/bangaluru)
MNC INDIA (chennai/hyderabad/bangaluru)
SUN ENGG (chennai/pune)
Emporis Academy Pvt.Ltd (chennai/delhi/hyderabad)
Tanyasolutions (chennai/bangaluru/hyderabad)
High Technologies Solutions(delhi/NCR)
Aakit Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (mumbal)
iServiceGlobe Pvt Ltd
Automatic IT Services
Shiga Info Technologies
SKYCOM technologies
SQC Infotech
infosat corporation
sap guru
Warehouse technologies(chennai)
Adira Technologies Bangalore
Anthesis Technologies Pvt Ltd Bangalore
Bizicon Infotech Pvt Ltd, Bangalore
Cusat Systems, Bangalore Bangalore
Dextrous Innovators Bangalore
Digital Orb Technologies Bangalore
Futuretech Consultancy Services Bangalore
Globals Infotech Bangalore
IMAX Technologies Bangalore
Iris Consulting Bangalore
Proximo Consultancy, Bangalore Bangalore
Allsoft Corporation Limited, Hyderabad Hyderabad
Cegon Info Solutions Hyderabad
Dice Technologies Hyderabad
EmpowerMinds Hyderabad
Keyoon Solutions Hyderabad
Leciel Technologies Hyderabad
M/s. Info Links Technologies Ltd Hyderabad
MYM Technologies Limited Hyderabad
NAAT consulting Hyderabad
Outset Technologies Hyderabad
Power Views Technologies Hyderabad
Silpa Informatics Hyderabad
Smirk Technologies Hyderabad
Surya Software Solutions Hyderabad
1. Vedic Info Tech
2. Raython Technologies
3. Aquity Design
4. Ablaze Info Tech
5. eSmart Web Solutions
6. ICS Solution Info Tech
7. Millennium Software Solution
8. Prophecy Tech India
9. Broin Tech IT
10. Enigma Software Solution
11. Business Info System
12. Famous Personality
13. Soft Cell System
14. VRI Solution
15. R.M. Infotech
16. Hash Infosys
17. Gnix Info
18. Jiyoun Systems
19. Sanmati Solution
20. E-ware Technology
21. IT Brain Shapers
22. The Metricsoft
23. ERP Solutions Asia
24. Mosaic Technology
25. Valid Page
26. Hope for All info
27. Soft Tech World
28. Radix Info Solution
28. TT Tech
29. Alien SoftNet
30. Meera / SR Infotech
31. ATS Infotech
After interviewing end number of candidates in last 3-4 years, I found that these above mentioned companies are providing fake project experience.
fake companies NASCOM Company names Address Outset Technologies:"109, G.P complex, Sri nagar Colony ,Hyderabad-500073 Tel: 040 55467551/2 website: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." iCamberwell Solutions & Services "Plot No. 29, 4th floor, Zeenath Residency, Srinagar Colony, Hyd- 73 Tel: 040 23730901 Fax: 23730904" Power Views Technologies"Plot no. 8-3-22/C/36, Anithavilla, Madhura nagar, Hyd- 38 Tel: 040 66136555/7555 Fax: 040 23745277 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." Sorix Solutions"# 509, Annapurna Block, Aditya enclave, Ameerpet,Hyd- 38 Tel: 040 55363775, 55259956, 55844509 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. website:" Cogent software technologies"#302, venkatadri complex, vivekananda nagar, kukatpally, Hyderabad, Tel:5215646 / 65215647 website:" "107, 3rd floor, Mandani Complex, Somajiguda,Hyd- 82 Tel: 040 65215646/47 Plot No. 151-155,302, Venkatadri complex,Vivekanandanagar,Kukatpally Hyd- 72 Tel: 040 55215646/47 website: Cogent Software Systems # 79, Malviya nagar, Bhopal, New market Tel: 0755 2551980, 3-D Pocket-B, New Kondli, Mayur Vihar Phase-III, Delhi-110096 Tel: 011 2625290 Fax: 011 2610972 "Plot No. 151-155,302, Venkatadri complex,Vivekanandanagar,Kukatpally Hyd- 72 Tel: 040 55215646/47 website: NAAT Consulting Pvt Limited Plot No 219, Road no. 4, Vivekanandanagar colony, Kukatpally,Hyd- 72 Tel: 040 32965363 Fax: 040 23160487 Website: Plot No. 31, Near central bank of India, Kalyan nagar, Hyd- 38 Tel: 040 23801729 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website: www.naatconsulting.comDigital Orb Technologies # 334, 1st floor, 22nd cross, 3rd block, jayanagar, B'lore- 11 Tel: 080 57677156 "# 8, A.E.C.S layout, 3rd phase, 1st cross, Rajmahal Vilas, 2nd stage, B'lore- 94 Tel: 080 57677156" SR Soft SOL Limited"# 501, Nilagiri block, Aditya enclave, Ameerpet, Hyd- 60 Tel: 040 23751145 Website: Welcome to SR Software Solutions email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., 617, Annapurna block,Aditya enclave,Ameerpet,Hyderabad- 16 Tel: 040 23751145 Website: Welcome to SR Software Solutions email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." Elixire Software Solutions "# 45, 2nd cross, Sivaganga layout, Mahadevapura, Bangalore- 48 Tel: 080 30970879/81 website: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." "1-8-450/1/A/159 1st floor,Victoria college,Begumpet,Hyderabad-03"226, 2nd cross, Mattappa layout,Mahadev pura, B'lore-48 Tel: 080 30970879/81 website: email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." Unique Consultancy Services "#1638 80ft Road, B.S.K. 1st Stage, Bank Colony, Bangalore 50, Tel:080 56683419 / 26606049 C Wave Technologies "# 1A, Shanthi Nilaya, Gayatri Nagar, Hyderabad-560016, Tel:55467146 / 55915646, Softedge Technologies # 68/3, 14th A cross, 20th Main, JP nagar, 2nd Phase, Bangalore- 78 Tel: 080 41214044 website: "25, 6th Cross, rajiv gandhi road,Kanakapura main road, Bangalore-78 Tel: 080 51214044 website: Smirk Technologies "Plot No. 189, Pragathi Nagar, Srinagar colony, Hyd-45 Tel: 040 23745556 Website: Welcome to Smirk Technologies email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. # 101, 8-3-960, Siri enclave, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad- 73 tel: 040 23745556 Fax: 040 55547999 Website: Welcome to Smirk Technologies email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." EmpowerMinds "Plot # D-112, 4th floor, Madhura Nagar,Hyd Tel: 040 66637722/33 website:" "Plot # D-30, 3rd floor, Madhura Nagar,Hyd Tel: 040 66637722/33 website: Cicil Technologies 406 and 407, 4th floor, Altos enclave Himayath nagar,Hyd- 29 Tel: 040 27676647 Fax: 040 27676647 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." Plot No. 928, Defence colony, Sainikpuri,Secunderabad-94 Tel: 040 55191428, 27113168 website: Cicil Technologies email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.""Plot No. 953, Defence colony, Sainikpuri,Secunderabad-94 Tel: 040 55191428, 27113168 website: Cicil Technologies email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." Edze software solutions "Edze software solutions,# B7 & 8, Banjara gardens,Banjara hills,Hyderabad Tel: 040 64539888 Website: edzesoft - Innovative Cutting Edge Solutions emial: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." VersionIT Not found Sovereign"#270 G/1, Road# 10, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad - 33, Tel:66136605 / 66136621 Fx: 66469687" Jasper IT solutions "Block # 5, Road # 12, Banjara Hills Hyd Tel: 040 54517444 website:" Elite IT solutions "# 6-3-899/2, Swathi plaza, Behind Prathul honda workshop, Raj bhavan road,Somajiguda,Hyd-82 Tel: 040 55533946 Fax: 040 55779948 Website:" Qbex "# 302, R. R Enclave Srinagar Colony Hyderbad 040-55458587, 55468597" Wrap "Plot No. 273, Road 76, Jubilee hills, Hyd- 33 Tel: 040 65790798, 65791789 Website: Wrap Technologies " Iversion "Plot No 109, Road No 1, Srinagar Colony Hyderabad – 500073 Andhra Pradesh Phone#: – 040 66135789 Website:" AGS technologies "#101 Ramakrishna Nivas, Sanjeeva Reddy Nagar, Hyderabad 38, Tel:66259394 Fax:66259395, " Cybernetix IT Soultion "Cybernetix IT Solutions No.128, Road No.12, Banjara Hills Hyd. Ph : 040-54517666 website: mail id : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." Requital Solutions Pvt ltd "First Floor, Srinivasam Residency, Opp, BSNL Office, Yellareddyguda, Hyd - 73. Ph : 040 - 39181351, Fax : 040 - 39181350 web site:" Ktree Solutions India (P) Ltd "G-9, Amrutha Villa, RajBhavan Road, Hyd - 82 Ph : 040-30601667, 40037686 Fax: 040-55468829 website:" S.S.Technologies "Road no. 11A etxn, Jubiliee hills Hyderabad- 33 Tel: 040 55832862, 55774376 website:" Infowise solutions"8-2-684/11/13, 2nd block, Road No.12, Banjara Hills Hyd - 34. Ph : 040 55132580 website:" KEYMOUSE SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS "Road 12,Banjarahills, Hyderabad Telephone: 040 55769777 Website:" INFYLOGICS TECHNOLOGIES "Pgg12-4/206,Near software park,Kharadi Pune-14 Website: infylogic technology emial: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 020 32314666" IPLUS SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD "# 8-2-616/3/D/A, Road no. 10, Banjara Hills Hyderabad-34 website: I PLUS SOLUTIONS Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." ERP BUSSINESS SOLUTIONS PVT. LTD. "#117/2A, 2nd cross, Marathahalli,Bangalore-37 Website: ERP Business Solutions Pvt Ltd. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Tel: 080 64191322" NTEGRATA SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS "D/#: 10-2-289/114-B, SHANTI NAGAR, HYDERABAD- ANDHARA PRADESH." Aegis consulting serivices "B-41, Madhura nagar,Hyderabad-38 Tel: 040 66100063/64 Telefax: 040 65535755 Emial: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Website:" Z Axis IT solutions,"4th Floor, Prince centre, # 709-710, Mount Road Chennai-02 Tel: 044 28584953,46516565 Website:" Innova Soft Solutions "3rd cross, KR layout, JP nagar,6th phase B'lore-560078 Tel: 080 41679894" Iteon "Road 11/A,Jubiliee hills,Hyderabad-500033 India Telephone:040 55777377,55777388 website:" Brainlogics software consulting"#180, 13th Cross 7th Main, Malleshwaram Bangalore-03, India Phone #: +91 80 32928108" Exxentrik Infosolutions "# 1415, 2nd Floor, 18th Main HBR Layout, Off Ring Road, Bangalore - 560043, India Phone #: 080-51142371 " INKLING SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS "NO.17, 3rd CROSS RAMANJANEYA LAYOUT MARATAHALLI BANGALORE - 37 Ph: +91 80 23533353 Ph: +91 80 23533354" STAREX TECHNOLOGIES "# 8, LIBERTY PLAZA, OPP. STANZA, HIMAYATNAGAR HYDERABAD-500 029. A.P. TEL: 040 30283345/6/7/8/9" Canopy India soft "# 225, 2nd main,EPIP whitefield, Bangalore-66 Tel: 080 65373435 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. website:" Glowsys technologies Pvt ltd "1626, 1st floor,east end main road, 9th block jayanagar Bangalore-69" Future access soft solutions Pvt ltd #303,Annapurna block,aditya enclave,ameerpet,hyderabad Value soft technologies "Suite No. 206,maheshwari chambers,somajiguda, hyderabad" M/s Vidhatha #17, 19th cross, 7th main,n.s palya, BTM 2nd stage,bangalore-560076 Green space IT solutions "#318,1st floor, 1st cross, Manjunatha layout,munnekolala extn, marathahalli, Bangalore-37 tel: 65714311, 32913824 fax: 32900703 url:" Intelligent soft systems"# 6-3-931, Beside Police Quarters, Somajiguda, Hyderabad" Jayt technologies "Flat No. 8/1A, S. Venkatesh Building, 18th Cross, 28th Main, 6th Phase J.P. Nagar, Bangalore 78" Nandi software solutions "#15/3 1st floor, 11th cross, Margosa Road, Malleswaram, Bangalore 560003" Quadruple Technologies "Plot No. 146, 1st Floor,Phase-3, Bawarchi, Kamalapuri Colony, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad" Successful Career Solutions "# 138/3, 3rd Floor, Royal Plaza, 4th main Road, 6th Cross, 2nd Phase, J.P. Nagar "Axil informatics Pvt ltd "Plot No-65, 2nd Main, Dollars Colony, 4th Phase, J.P. Nagar, Bangalore-78" Sun Moon Technologies Pvt Ltd. "Plot No. 281, MLA's Colony, Road No. 12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad"Oxicum Technologies Ocxium "3rd Floor, Sri Krishna Arcade, 27th Cross, 10th Main Road, Jaynagar 3rd Block, Bangalore – 560011 tel/fax: 41467784 URL:" Avesta solutions 89, BTM Layout, 1st Stage, 11th Main Road, Bangalore Neural IT Solutions "11A,1st floor,mala sadan, BTM layout, 100 feet road, b'lore-68 tel: 080 41201466 url:" Tech New Bie "#248,5th cross, 2nd main,Ashwath nagar, bangalore url: TechNewBie Pvt.Ltd :: Home tel: 080 32414243" Platinum Global Technologies Pvt. Ltd."# 301, SN-32, Thrimurthy Complex, Wadgoansheri, Pune-411 014 Capture IT Solutions "Plot No. 68, 3rd Cross, Near Amar Jyothi School, ITPL Road, Devasandra, Bangalore- 560 036" Vesoft Technologies "#11, 1st floor, 6th 'B' cross, whitefield road, marathahalli,bangalore" Software Technology Solutions "Software Technology Solutions, located at, 30/1,1st floor, Leemans Complex,Cunningham Road, Bangalore -560052 Telephone: 65369255, 65369256" Synnoware Technologies"#, 2224th Main,13th Cross, J.P. Nagar, 4th Phase, Bangalore-78 Ph-32413285" I-Soft Solutions"# 9, 3rd Floor,Manjunatha Krupa, 8th Block, Kormangala, Bangalore-95 tel: 65323277 # 400, 18th Main, 6th Block, Kormangala, Bangalore-95 Tel: 080 41306466" Silicon IT Solutions,"# 42, 4th Cross,Kodihalli, Airport Road, Bangalore tel: 25279603 URL: " Errand Technologies+A6 "#27, 2nd Cross, Nrupathunga Layout, 80 Feet Road, R T Nagar, Bangalore – 560 032 Tel: 080 23532353, 23333434 URL:" Prudent Technologies"#1626, 1st Floor, Eastend Main Road, 9th Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore – 560069. Phone: +91 80 26641629 ' Inexo Technologies "#116, 100Ft Road, BTM Layout, Bangalore – 560029. Phone: +91 80 65300427, 65305124 URL:" Pro-Act Technologies, "#106/289-290, 3rd Cross, 31st Main, V P Road, B T M Layout 2nd Stage, Bangalore – 560076 Tel: 41201863, 64514642 mail id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. URL:" Skill Smith, "#SF – 3, Sumukha Enclave, No. 1, 1st Main, Vivekananda Nagar, Kattriguppe, Bangalore – 560 085" Wintech Software solutions "J.B Mission, 5-9-83/3, Opp.Fateh Maidan, Club Gate, Hyderabad – 500001" Neptune Microsystems "Old # 6, New # 20, Sengunathar Street, Shenoy Nagar, Chennai-30 tel: 65244546, 43532148 URL:" Sinensis Technologies "provided address-Old Madras Road, Bangalore Tel: 55376556 URL: Changed address-# 10, Lakshmi Nivas, 7th Main, Sir MV Nagar, TC playa Road, Ramamurthy Nagar" Samveda Technologies "provided address-Old Madras Road, Bangalore Changed address-# 10, Lakshmi Nivas, 7th Main, Sir MV Nagar, TC playa Road, Ramamurthy Nagar tel: 55329133 url:" Bloomsoft "E-2, 4th Floor, R.M. Towers, 108, Chamiers Road, Teynampet, Chennai. Telfax: 044 42112959 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. URL:" Login IT Technologies "# 246, 16th Main Road, Sector 3, HSR Layout, Bangalore Tel: 65417483 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. URL:" Delta Core Infotech,"# 38, 3rd Cross, HMT Layout, mathikere,Bangalore-54 Tel: 65406873 email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." Keycer Software Solutions, "# 737, Dr. Raj Kumar Road, 6th Block, Rajajinagar, Bangalore" Krypton Technologies "Bhagmal Complex, Sector-15, Noida-201301 tel: 120-4249986 url:" Savant Infotech Pvt. Ltd. "R.K. Estates, RTC X Road, Hyderabad-20 tel: 66822323 fax: 66732324 email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." Vantage Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd."Plot No. 37-B, Ground floor, Journalist Colony-B, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad-33 tel:65963946 fax: 39181350 URL:" Comnet Technologies"# 761, Behind V.K. Exports, Outer Ring Road, Marathahalli, Bangalore" Versile IT Services # 13, A Sector, Amruth Nagar, Bellary Road, Bangalore "Spike Software Solutions Pvt. Ltd" "8-430/1//29, Near Keerthi Apartments, Yellareddy Guda, Hyderabad" Prominent Soft Solutions "# 542, Manjunath Building, Electronics City, Phase II, Bangalore" iGenix Technologies "(# 309, Maheshwari Chambers, Somajiguda, Hyderabad" One Call Solution Pvt. Ltd."# 02, KGN Building, Rajiv Gandhi Road, New Vaibhav Nagar, Belgaum" Wingwink Technologies "#11,1st Floor, 80 Feet Road, RT Nagar, Bangalore-32 tel : 23548585, 23435858" Lemuria Technologies No.97, Harrington Road, Shenoy Nagar, Chennai-30 Step Online Pvt Ltd. No.299,1st Floor,B.T.S. 1st Main Road, Chinnayanpalya,Wilson Garden,Bangalore-30 or 19,MN Plaza,Second Cross, Sampige Main Road, Malleshwaram, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Pin-560003 (Ph-08041281228) Lecil Flat No. 202, Vijetha Garden Empire, Moosarambaug,Dilkhush Nagar, Hyderabad - 36 Genex AG - 4, Metropalm Groove, Somajiguda,Hyderabad - 5000082 Marc4 Technologies #312,4th "A" Main Road,3rd Stage, 3rd Block, Basaveshwar Nagar, Bangalore - 79 e Matrix Enterprise Solutions Manadi Towers,Above ING Vysya Bank, 20/233,9th Main Road,3rd Block, Jayanagar, Bangalore- 560011 Aventies IT Solutions No: 980, EWS, 2nd Stage,Yelahanka, Bangalore - 560064 Sigma Soft #1, 2nd Floor, Canarabank Building, Airport Road, Bangalore, Karnataka,India, Pin-560037 (Ph-08055377407) JVS Consultants/JVS Info Systems 501,5th Floor, Dwarakapuri Colony , Punjagutta, Hyderabad Bonafied Digital Services No address Impact Technologies Plot No.17. Navarajasthan Co-OP Hsg. Soc., Flat No.9 Nishigandha Apts, Senapati Bapat Rd., Pune, Maharashtra,India, Pin-411016 (Ph-020 25667827) Earthware Technologies No. 17, MTK Buildings, Outer Ring Road,Marthahalli, Bangalore - 560 037 Nivetho No address Sphinx Networks 12-5-149/19/2,2nd floor, Opp.NIN Tarnaka, SECUNDERABAD, ANDHRA PRADESH,INDIA, Pin-500017 (Ph-91-40-55216590,55222996) e Matrix Software Solutions 261,10th Cross,1st "N" Block,Rajajinagar,Bangalore-560010 Access IT Consulting Services No. 90,3rd cross,2nd Main,Ganga Nagar,Bangalore -560032 Propus Infotech/Propus Software Solutions Chennai Chennai Sunsilica #B20,Journalist Colony,Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad Beacon Software Solutions Hindipracharsabha Road, T Nagar, Chennai Brainware Infotech #92, NAT Street, Basavanagudi, Bangalore, Karnataka,India, Pin-560004 (Ph-26616867) CBK Infotech 4/3, Sree Complex, MSRCE Road Opp. NIAS, Mathikere, Bangalore - 54 Infinity solutions No address STG #32&32/1,Khaleel Plaza,(Opp Vijaya Main College),RV Road, Basavanagudi, Bangalore Suyoga Technologies #12, Dharsons Building, Bowring Hospital Road, Shivajinagar, Bangalore -01 System Domain 3rd Block, Opp. ICICI Bank, Jayanagar, Bangalore . Team infosol # 5, Cornwell Road, Langford Gardens, Bangalore – 560 025 Time Technologies.Net Pvt Ltd. Kodiyattu Chambers,Rajaji Road, Cochin - 35 Datavision # 261, 10 th Cross , I st " N " Block , Rajajinagar,Bangalore – 560010 IGI No address Aptra Infotech No.20,9th Main,3rd block,Jayanagar,Bangalore - 560011 Zombie Software Solutions # 2455,2nd Floor,17th E Cross,9th Main, Banashankari 2nd stage,Bangalore - 560070 Realsoft Technologies 1-1-591, Gandhinagar,Hyderabad - 500020, AP and #7/32,47th Cross,1st Main, 8th Block, Jayanagar, Bnagalore-560082 Flash Infotech # 216, 2nd Floor, B Wing, Mittal Tower, M.G.Road, Bangalore-01and #25/1, HMT Main Road, Mathikere,Bangalore- 560054 Juniper Solutions 254, 1st cross, 2nd block 3rd phase , banashankari , Bangalore, Karnataka,India, Pin-560085 (Ph-26676071 Triton IT services Rajaram Colony, Kodambakkam, Chennai. Marques Consulting #36, 8th main,chowdeswari layout,maratha halli,bangalore-37 Softlink Solutions #465,mottapanapalaya,6th main,indira nagar, bangalore, karnataka,india, Pin-560038 (Ph-080 41481771) Sanders Tech No address elbrus Global #853, 2nd Floor, 4th Cross,10th Main, Indiranagar 2nd Stage, Bangalore, Karnataka, India, Pin-560038 (Ph-41486019) itech Softwa+A164re solutions 347/10A, 19th cross, 7th main,BTM 2nd phase, Bangalore, karnataka,india, Pin-0 (Ph-080-57733101) Lavanya Technologies #186/25 ,10th'B' Main Road, 1st Block, Jayanagar, Banagalore, Karnataka, India, Pin-560011 (Ph-080-26565729) Lara Technologies #5,2nd floor,80 ft road,5th block,koramangala, Bangalore, Karnataka,India, Pin-560095 (Ph-080-41310124) Vimukti Tech plot no. D-17, first floor,, laxmipuram colony, A.S.Rao nagar, ECIL(post),, Hyderabad, Andhrapradesh,India, Pin-530062 (Ph-04040119914) vt. Ltd. A-6, First Floor, Sector 2 Miracle Software Systems MIG-49, Lawsons Bay Colony,, Vishakapatnam, Andrapradesh,India, Pin-530017 (Ph-0891 2531569) UTL #19/6,Ashokpuram school road, Industrial Suburb,Yeshwanthpur, Bangalore -560022 Softpro MIG 15, 1st Main, 1st Stage, KHB Colony, Basaveshwar Nagar, Bangalore - 560079 e-Fort No address Unit Force Technologies # 3/23, KHB Colony, 80 ft. Road, Basaveshwarnagar, Bangalore - 560079 Celtic Technologies 3rd Floor,Crystal Lawn,Wallace Garden 2nd Street, Nungambakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, Pin-600034 KDS Infotech Pvt Ltd KDS Infotech Pvt Ltd. 36 Phase - 1, Kanan Vihar, Bhubaneshwar SNS ( Super Network Solutions) L - 56 B , Basement, Malviya Nagar, New Delhi - 110 017 Appsinc Flat no. 301&302, Block-B, Balagi towers,Near Mythri Hospitals, Ameerpet, Hyderabad, India . Cel - Tel e labs W-Block, New No : 5, Old Number : 64, Door No: 10,, 2nd floor, 3rd street, 3rd main road, Anna salai., Chennai, Tamil Nadu,India, Pin-600040 Technomind Consultancy/ Systems 1- 21/4, 36 Main, 11th Cross, 1st Phase, JP Nagar, Bangalore 78 I Vector 2nd Floor,LEF Wing,27th Cross,10th Main,Jayanagar,3rd Block, Near ICICI Bank, Bangalore Kbace Technologies No.14,Walton Road, No.14, Bangalore i5 Technologies #1558,East End Main Road, Jayanagar 9th Block,Bangalore-560069 Centric Address is No 2, 2nd Floor, 1st Cross, MSR college, Mthikere, Bangalore- 560054 Cygnet Software New #11, (old # 6),Valmiki Street, T.Nagar,chennai-17., Chennai, Tamilnadu,India, Pin-600017 (Ph-42121617) Artech Infosystems Pvt. Ltd. [ Formerly Softek} A-4&5,2nd Floor, Logix Park, Sector 16, Noida - 201301 Cooptions Technologies Ltd 44, Mithila Nagar Colony, Road 12, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad-500034 XPert HR Solutions H-3-214/2, Ground Floor, Murthy Mansion, Srinivasa Nagar Colony[West], Hyderabad-500038 Verinon IT Solutions 403,Sapthagiri Towers, Begumpet,1-10-98/35/2, Gayatri Nivas, Dwarakadas Colony,Hyderabad-500016 Global Automation 26, EVK Sampath Road, Veperry,Chennai - 600007 G-MAX #6,1 ST CROSS,1 ST MAIN , GANGA NAGAR, BANGLORE, KARNATAKA,INDIA, Pin-560032 (Ph-080-65999841) Infolabs No address MSD Technologies #207, Nilgiri Block, Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyderabad-38 Bizicon Infotech Pvt Ltd, #1047,14th Cross,25th Main,Banashankari 2nd Stage,Bangalore-70 Access Software Solutions Pvt Ltd #48,Arya Gowda Road, West Mambalan, Chennai-600003 Version Technologies Omkar Apartments,Sr. No.98,Plot No.11/12,Bhusari Colony, Paud Road, Kothrud,Pune-411038 Dextrous Innovators 4th Cross,17th Main,Koramangala, Bangalore-95 Focus Associates C-33,Sector53, Noida, UP-201301 MYM Technologies Limited 3rd Flr,Delta Chambers,Near Margdarshi,Hyderabad Silpa Informatics 502, AMEER ESTATE, S R NAGAR, HYDERABAD-38 Cegon Info Solutions 1609 / 24, 3rd Floor, Opp. Devaiah Park Bus Stop Lakshmi Complex, Above Shanthi Sagar,Nagappa Block,Bangalore 560021 Surya Software Solutions 603, Annapurna Block,Aditya Enclave, Ameerpet, Hyderabad Dice Technologies 8-3-230/B/7, Road No: 11, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad Globals Infotech Software Development Centre Royal Arcade No.348/1, 2nd Floor, Koramangala, 8th block Bangalore – 560095 Adira Technologies 7,4th Main,OMBR Layout,Banswadi Bangalore 43 Adroit Claretdene Infotech No.169, 2nd Main, T.Thimmaiah Road, R K Layout,Padmanabha Nagar, Bangalore 560070 Futuretech Consultancy Services 8/B, III Floor, 1 Cross, 24th 'A' Main, Near IOB, Bangalore Anthesis Technologies Pvt Ltd 9, 100 Feet ring road, BTM 1st stage, Opp. BTM Water Tank, Bangalore IMAX Technologies 3rd floor,Kuvempu Complex, No.44, 2nd Cross, 2nd Main, 3rd stage, 3rd block, Basaveswaranagar,Bangalore, Pin:560079 Iris Consulting 201, 12th Main, Koramangala 4th Block,Bangalore Proximo Consultancy, Bangalore 69/1,20th main,14th cross,J P nagar,Bangalore 78 Cusat Systems, Bangalore 98, 2nd Main, 7th Cross, Chamarajpet, Bangalore -18 Karnataka India Mindrome Technologies Private Limited 310,Konark Shram behind Everest Building 156,Tardeo, Mumbai Source Horizon, Jaipur F56, Mahesh Marg, off Saurabh Marg, C Scheme, Jaipur Allsoft Corporation Limited, Hyderabad 4, Eden Gardens, Road No 1, Banjara Hills,Hyderabad ADVENT GLOBAL SOLUTIONS Suite # 610, Adithya Trade Centre Ameerpet, Hyderabad 500038 COVA INFOTECH Plot No.347, IV Main, J.P.Nagar, Bangalore M/s. Info Links Technologies Ltd 403, Manjeera Square Matro Complex, Ameerpat Hyderabad M/s. Bharathi Business Solutions New No.51 III Floor, Gandhi Nagar 1st Main Road Adayar Chennai - 600020 M/s. Magnus Infotech 2nd Floor, Raahat Plaza, (Opp Vijaya Hospital) 172, Arcot Raod, Vadapalani, Chennai - 600026 M/s Ehastha Global Services 186, Poonamallee High Road, 4th floor, Alsa towers, kilpauk Chennai - 600 010 Keyoon Solutions 6-3-841/K,1st Flr,Opp Padma Plaza,Nr RBI Quarters,Market Street, Ameerpet,Hyd-16 Acute Hi Technologies/ Acute Technologies Flat No 201, Before end of police station, Thirumala Apartments, Thirumalagiri, Hyderabad, AP-500008 #NAME? No.291,7th Main, Mico Layout, BTM 2nd Stage, Bangalore - 5600676 Brilliance Infosystems #FF1,5th Main,R.T.Nagar Post, Bangalore-560035 Dallas Technologies 30/1.CMH Road,Indira Nagar, Above Lord Krishna Bank, Bangalore-560038 Insyslogic Solutions Bangalore Address -30/1, CMH Road, Indira Nagar, Above lord Krishna Bank, Bangalore-560038, Chennai Address - D-46,Arcot Road, Doshi Gardens, Vadapalani, Chennai-600026 Infobee Technologies 3rdFloor, Nanjamma Towers, 2 nd Cross, Marathahalli, Bangalore-560037 Kumaran Software, Anna Nagar, Madras Q90,4th Main Road, Anna nagar West,Chennai-600040 BCS Project Consultants; Bangalore #A,PP Complex, New B.E.L. Road, Bangalore - 560054 Pragathi Computers; Bangalore. 1094,OTC Road, SPA Plaza, Shop No. 48-51, Ground Floor, Bangalore-560002 Sofscript System Pvt.Ltd.; Andheri 44A,Navketan Industrial Estate, Mahakali Caves Road, Andheri [E], Mumbai - 400093 C G VAK(Coimbatore) 171, Mettupalayam Road, Coimbatore - 641043 BCC computers Ltd in Madras 47,Second Min Road, Gandhi Nagar, Adyar, Chennai-600020 Suffix Solutions Flat No. 206, Lotus Apartments, Whitefield, Near KVBR Botanical park, Kondapur, Hyderabad The Phoenix India No. 98, Ground Floor, 21st Main, BSK 2nd stage, Opp. Cofee day, Blore - 560070 iNest Solutions 8-3-318/11/17, Mega city,J.P. Nagar, Hyderabad-500073/5th Floor , Chalapathi Complex, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad-500073 Imbue Consulting Near Chowdeswari Temple,HMT Layout, Mathikere, Bangalore - 560054 Techzone Multimedia Pvt. Ltd. 1358,Ambika Towers,Wright Town, Near Maharashtra High School, Jabalpur(M.P.)-482002 Emtel Software Pvt. Ltd. #465/D,17th G Main, 6th Block, Kormangala, Bangalore -560095 Virinchi Technologies Plot No.10,SRK Colony,West Marredpally,Secunderabad-500026,A.P. Sai Medha Computers Opp.Chandana Brothers Lane,Ameerpet,Hyderabad,A.P.- 500073 Smart Integrated Solution Pvt. Ltd. No.56,Purasaiwalkam High Road, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, Pin - 600007 D2V Infosoft Pvt. Ltd. 1st Floor,R.K.Plaza,CMH Road,Indiranagar,Bangalore-560038 Muesoft Technologies #37,Dr. Radha Krishnan Nagar,Opp. Vaishnav College, P.H.Road, Arumbakkam,Chennai - 600106 JB Soft Systems No. 36, Pillair Kovil street, Saidapet, Chennai - 15 Crux Technologies No: 59, First Avenue, Ashok Nagar, Chennai – 83 Opal Soft India #11,1st Main Road, 4th Cross,Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bangalore-85 and #152, 5th Cross,6th Block, Near Kamakya Theatre,Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bangalore-85 Ition Solutions #6-3-107/108, Raj Bhavan Road,Somajiguda, Hyderabad,InstaOne Software Technologies #32,2nd Floor, 2nd Cross, Ashwath Nagar,Marathahalli, Bangalore-37 Mercury Infosoft #8,12th Cross, Sarakki Gardens,SAS Street, J.P.Nagar,6th Phase, Bangalore-78 Softima Solutions 318, 2nd floor, PSA Qureshi plaza Marathahalli main road, Marathahalli Bangalore – 560037 Phone:+91 80 3241 1290 +91 80 3241 6101 Softima Solutions Orator #9,100ft. Ring Road, BTM 1st Stage, Opp. BTM Water Tank, Bangalore Abyss & Horizon Consulting #519,The Corporate Centre,Nirmal Lifestyle,LBS Marg,Mulund,Mumbai-400080 Aspera Technologies Somajiguda, Hyderabad, AP, India, (Ph-040 65094118) Isoftek Technologies #31/E,2nd Floor,2nd Cross, Ashwath Nagar,Marathahalli, Bangalore - 37 Inspirion Consulting #240, Chinna Thokatta, New Bownepally, Secunderabad-11 or #988, Srinagar Colony, Hyderabad-500073 Casit Consulting #440,29th Main,8th Cross,BTM 2nd Stage, Bangalore-76 SBD Systems #136,7th Cross, 29th Main, BTM 2nd Stage,Bangalore-76 Alien Softnet Technologies H-11/A,Kalkaji, New Delhi-110001 OLE Technologies #7-50,108-109,1st Floor, Sahjan Complex, Konark Theatre Road, Madhurapuri Colony, Dilsukh Nagar, Hyderabad- 60 Cosmonet Solutions PVT. Ltd No. 3, 1st Main Road,BHCS,BTM 2nd Stage, Bangalore-76 Samtron Softronics Pvt. Ltd No address Sematic Solution No address Verna Info Solutions #8/A,1st Cross,24th Main,J.P.Nagar,2nd Phase,Bangalore-78 Intuple #14,Nirmal,1st A Cross, Maruti Nagar, Bangalore-68 Visionsoft Tech #47,2nd Floor,C.B.Complex,14th Main,Sanjaynagar,Bangalore-94 qualibandtech pvt #8,1st Cross,24th Main 2nd Phase, J.P.Nagar, Bangalore-78 DV16 No address Softel Integerated Plot No. 5, Software Units Layout, Madhapur, Hyderabad-81 PSP Technologies S3,Second Floor,15/52-A,South West Boag Road, T.Nagar, Chennai-17 or 2/15,First East Street, Kamaraj Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai-41 Quicksoft Technologies 30/1,1st Floor,R.K.Plaza,C.M.H. Road,Bangalore-38 or R-16,1st Floor,12th Main Road,Anna Nagar, Chennai - 40 Azylity Technologies 22/44, Tata Silk Farm, Kanakpura Main Road, near Banashankari Bus Stop, Bangalore, Karnataka Aries Infotech No.77,6th Cross, Subramanyapura Main Road, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore-70 Tech Trend #2134,15th Main,HAL 3rd Stage, Bangalore - 560038 Kilmist Infotech #135,Doopanahalli,60ft. Road, Domlur, HAL 2nd Stage, Indira Nagar, Bangalor- 560071 Indus Global Tech 1st Main, Banashankari,3rd Stage, Bangalore-560085 Royal Vision Solutions # Flat No.306, Firdous Kaveri Court, Above Canara Bank,Mettu Gudda, Secunderabad-25 Veenus Infotech Flat No.5, Plot No.371, Subhankar,Sector 19,Koparkhairane, Mumbai - 400710 Cynova Technologies No address Deegit Technologies No address Softbrain Innovation #5,Arivu Complex,2nd Floor,1st Main Road,Udaya Nagar(Nr. Tin Factory), KR Puram, Bangalore e Softex Solutions #30,1st Floor,R.K.Layout,Padmanabha Nagar,Bangalore-560070 Sermon Technologies A-48,Indian Airlines Colony,Lane 03, Street No. 3, Begumpet, Hyderabad - 500069 Vasp Technologies MVM Tower, 3rd Floor,MIG-347,80 Feet Road, Anna Nagar, Madurai-625020 or #320, Teppam West, Main Bazar, Virudhunagar-626001 GDM Softek #1/5,2nd Floor, Crescnt Plaza, Dinnur Main Road, Kavalbyrasandra, Opp. Pushpanjali Theatre, R.T. Nagar, Bangalore-32 or #2214,13th Main, Chandra Nagar, Kumaraswamy Layout, Bangalore. I Tech Global Solutions #10, 2nd Floor, Orchid Centre, 17th B Main,5th Block, Koramangala, Bangalore-560095 AVRISCO it has started in dec-2007...they dont have any clients...the main recrutor for this is an another fraud consultancy which is HR7 which is in on dated guys don join in that and plz don waste money.....
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